Class Hierarchy of ValueObjects

Let's say you want to create an Age ValueObject. Age will either extend SingleValueObject or MultiValueObject. Both are subclasses of ValueObject, which is a subclass of BaseModddel (the base class of all modddels).

ValidAge, which extends Age, will implement ValidValueObject, which implements ValidModddel.

InvalidAge, which extends Age, will implement InvalidValueObject, which implements InvalidModddel.

NB 1 : The generated classes (Age, InvalidAge...) will define other properties and methods than the ones already defined by the superclasses. (Ex: map, maybeMap, copyWith... and all the others)

NB 2 : Notice how there is no association between ValidModddel/InvalidModddel and BaseModddel, and also no association between ValidValueObject/InvalidValueObject and ValueObject. That's on purpose because those interfaces can be directly implemented in some cases, and we don't want the BaseModddel methods to be inherited. (See the models that are always valid / invalid section).

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