IterableEntity / Iterable2Entity kinds

There are many kinds of IterableEntity/Iterable2Entity depending on the type of the collection they hold.

Available IterableEntities

"#1" represents the type of the modddels.

  • Holds a list of modddels :

  • Holds a set of modddels :

  • Holds a map where only the values are modddels :

  • Holds a map where only the keys are modddels :

(*) : The Dart collections use the "unmodifiable" versions of the collections, which throw runtime errors if you try to modify them. Preferably, use immutable collections (from KtDart or Dartz) which won't allow you to do any modification compile-time.

Available Iterable2Entities

"#1" and "#2" represent the two modddels types.

  • Holds a map where the keys and the values are modddels :

(*) : The Dart collections use the "unmodifiable" versions of the collections, which throw runtime errors if you try to modify them. Preferably, use immutable collections (from KtDart or Dartz) which won't allow you to do any modification compile-time.