VsCode Snippets
Here is a summary of the available VsCode snippets.
Prefix | Description |
| Creates a filled-in modddel part statement |
| Creates a Modddel class |
| Creates a Modddel union |
| Adds a Case-Modddel for a Modddel union |
| Creates a Failure class |
| Adds a Failure union-case |
"Part 'Modddel' statement": {
"prefix": "ptm",
"body": [
"part '${TM_FILENAME_BASE}.modddel.dart';"
"description": "Creates a filled-in modddel part statement"
"Modddel Class": {
"prefix": "mclass",
"body": [
"class ${1} extends ${2|SingleValueObject,MultiValueObject,SimpleEntity,ListEntity,SetEntity,MappedValuesEntity,MappedKeysEntity,KtListEntity,KtSetEntity,KtMappedValuesEntity,KtMappedKeysEntity,IListEntity,ISetEntity,IMappedValuesEntity,IMappedKeysEntity,MapEntity,KtMapEntity,IMapEntity|}<Invalid${1}, Valid${1}>",
" with _$${1} {",
" ${1}._();",
" factory ${1}(${3}) {",
" return _$${1}._create(${4});",
" }${0}",
"description": "Creates a Modddel class"
"Modddel Union": {
"prefix": "munion",
"body": [
"class ${1} extends ${2|SingleValueObject,MultiValueObject,SimpleEntity,ListEntity,SetEntity,MappedValuesEntity,MappedKeysEntity,KtListEntity,KtSetEntity,KtMappedValuesEntity,KtMappedKeysEntity,IListEntity,ISetEntity,IMappedValuesEntity,IMappedKeysEntity,MapEntity,KtMapEntity,IMapEntity|}<Invalid${1}, Valid${1}>",
" with _$${1} {",
" ${1}._();",
" factory ${1}.${3}(${4}) {",
" return _$${1}._create${3/(^.)/${1:/upcase}/}(${5});",
" }${0}",
"description": "Creates a Modddel union"
"Case-Modddel": {
"prefix": "munioncase",
"body": [
"factory ${1}.${2}(${3}) {",
" return _$${1}._create${2/(^.)/${1:/upcase}/}(${4});",
"description": "Adds a Case-Modddel for a Modddel union"
"Failure": {
"prefix": "failure",
"body": [
"class ${1}Failure extends ${2|ValueFailure,EntityFailure|} with _$${1}Failure {",
" const factory ${1}Failure.${3}(${4}) = _${3/(^.)/${1:/upcase}/};${0}",
"description": "Creates a Failure class"
"Failure Union Case": {
"prefix": "failurecase",
"body": [
"const factory ${1}Failure.${2}(${3}) = _${2/(^.)/${1:/upcase}/};${0}"
"description": "Adds a Failure union-case"
Last updated