The super-sealed classes (Weather, ValidWeather, InvalidWeather and InvalidWeatherValue) replicate the same functionality of modddels :
// NB : In these examples, the types of the variables/callback parameters is specified
// only for the sake of showing their types to you. You don't need to do so.
final Weather weather = Weather.rainy(
temperature: 12,
rainIntensity: 0.9,
All pattern matching methods we've seen so far can be used too : map, mapValidity, maybeMap, mapOrNull, maybeMapValidity, mapInvalid, whenInvalid, etc... :
final message1 =
valid: (ValidWeather validWeather) => 'This weather is habitable',
invalidValue: (InvalidWeatherValue invalidWeatherValue) =>
tooHot: () => "Humans would die of heat",
tooCold: () => "Humans would freeze to death",
final message2 = weather.mapValidity(
valid: (ValidWeather validWeather) => 'Valid weather',
invalid: (InvalidWeather invalidWeather) => 'Invalid weather',